Press Releases

Autos Drive America Reacts to USMCA Dispute Settlement Panel Decision

January 11, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C.Autos Drive America President and CEO Jennifer Safavian issued the following statement in response to the USMCA Dispute Settlement Panel’s decision on the Auto Rules of Origin:

“Stable and predictable trade policies are vital to business investments in the United States, and they help to grow and strengthen our economy. International automakers operating in the U.S. welcome the decision affirming the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) rules of origin text as it was negotiated.

“Having invested more than $100 billion into U.S. operations alone over the last 60 years, our members are committed to the long-term success of their North American manufacturing operations and their workforce. The full implementation of the Panel’s final decision by all three USMCA Parties is of paramount importance to ensure the continued competitiveness of auto manufacturing in our region to receive the full benefits of a rules-based trading system.




About Autos Drive America

Autos Drive America represents the U.S. operations of international motor vehicle manufacturers integral to America’s workforce, communities, and economy. As the voice of international automakers in the United States, Autos Drive America works closely with policymakers at all levels of government to advance policies that promote jobs, trade, and growth in the U.S. automotive industry. Learn more at