Press Releases

Statement on Removal of Duty-Free Treatment of Canadian Aluminum

Statement on Removal of Duty-Free Treatment of Canadian Aluminum - Autos Drive America Image 10
September 15, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – “The Administration’s decision to end the Canadian aluminum tariffs is a welcome and positive step. This action provides the U.S. auto industry with additional certainty critical to the continued recovery of production and sales to pre-pandemic levels.” – Jennifer Safavian, President and CEO of Autos Drive America


Autos Drive America 
represents the U.S. operations of international automakers. Membership is open to motor vehicle manufacturers, automotive suppliers, and likeminded trade associations that share the goal of growing the U.S. economy through trade. We represent an industry that has invested $92 billion in U.S. operations, produce almost half of all vehicles made in America and support nearly 2.5 million U.S. jobs. Learn more at

Contact: Annemarie Pender

Phone: 202.427.5062 |