CEO Column

Driving the Future: International Automakers Outpace Detroit in U.S. Production

Jennifer Safavian
May 31, 2024

For the past sixty years, international automakers have been part of the fabric of American auto manufacturing. Although their production has been historically outpaced by the Detroit-3, Autos Drive America’s members have grown their footprint exponentially since starting production here in the U.S., increasing their share of domestic auto production by more than 104% over the past 25 years.

Today, new data shows that our members are re-writing history: In 2023, international automakers out-produced the Detroit-3, producing nearly 5 million vehicles in the U.S. This trend continued, in the first quarter of 2024, with international automakers producing 1,313,000 light vehicles compared to 1,181,000 vehicles by the Detroit-3.

These numbers tell a story of commitment and confidence in the U.S. manufacturing sector. International automakers have made significant investments in their communities, bringing jobs and innovation to local economies and fostering a culture of technological advancement throughout the industry.

Our members, which include some of the most renowned names in the automotive industry, are dedicated to building more than just cars—they are committed to investing in their U.S.-based operations and workforce. These investments go beyond the assembly lines and extend into community engagement, educational programs, and partnerships that support local development and growth.

Moreover, international automakers are at the cutting edge of innovation in the automotive industry, pushing boundaries in electric vehicle production and sustainable manufacturing practices. This drive towards innovation not only ensures a competitive market but also aligns with our shared climate goals, setting the path for a more sustainable future.

As we look to the future, the role of international automakers in the U.S. will undoubtedly expand even further. At Autos Drive America, we are proud to support and advocate for international automakers as they continue to drive economic growth and innovation in communities across America. We will continue highlighting the significant role these manufacturers play in not only advancing the automotive industry but also in empowering American communities. The journey ahead is exciting, and we are ready to drive forward, together.