Letters & Comments

Autos Drive America’s Comments on President Biden’s “American Supply Chain” Executive Order

Autos Drive America’s Comments on President Biden’s “American Supply Chain” Executive Order - Autos Drive America Image 10
April 5, 2021

Autos Drive America submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce on risks in the semiconductor manufacturing and advanced packaging supply chain. The Association’s comments make the following points:

– Autos Drive America urges that any semiconductor production incentives that may be put in place be implemented in a manner that allows U.S. chip manufacturers to access dedicated federal funding for capacity increases to automotive-grade chip production.

– Autos Drive America supports the Administration’s goal of evaluating America’s semiconductor supply chains. The Association agrees that increasing domestic chip production is important, but so is the need to preserve sourcing from international trade partners and to deepen trading ties with allies.

– Autos Drive America request that any efforts to increase domestic semiconductor chip production keep supply chains diversified – with multiple sourcing options here and abroad.  This will ensure that U.S. manufacturers retain consistent and reliable access to suppliers to foster adaptiveness and resiliency in the face of rapid technological change.

Learn more:

Autos Drive America Comments to DOC on Semiconductor Manufacturing Risks and Supply Chain